Signup Ahead

Frequently Asked Questions

From Volunteers

From Owners

1.1 How do I un-sign up?

Q: I signed up for a slot, but I changed my mind. How do I un-sign up?

A: Only the sheet owner can remove a volunteer from a slot. You will have to contact the sheet owner to un-sign up.

1.2 How do I swap slots?

Q: I signed up for a slot, but I'd like to swap with another volunteer. How do I swap slots?

A: Only the sheet owner can change the volunteer for a slot. You will have to contact the sheet owner to swap slots.

1.3 How do I change my email address?

Q: I signed up for a slot, but I entered the wrong email address. How do I change it?

A: Only the sheet owner can change the volunteer for a slot. You will have to contact the sheet owner to change your email address.

2.1 Add a slot?

Q: How do I add a slot to my sheet?

A: Click on the "Add Slot" button at the bottom of the Manage page.

2.2 Link to manage my sheets?

Q: I lost the email with my manage link. How do I manage my sheets?

A: Go to and enter your email address. We will send you the Manage links for your sheets.